- 02 manifold search for term
- 1/4 Valve search for term
- 1/8 search for term
- 10 mm search for term
- 10 mm Valve search for term
- 1030 Non-Contacting Gap Sensor search for term
- 10mm search for term
- 10mm manifold search for term
- 15 mm search for term
- 15 mm Valve search for term
- 15mm search for term
- 15mm manifold search for term
- 2-Position Toggle search for term
- 2-way search for term
- 24 Hours search for term
- 24/7 search for term
- 3-Position Selector search for term
- 3-way search for term
- 3-Way Modular Valves search for term
- 3d search for term
- 3d bio search for term
- 3D Models search for term
- 5100 search for term
- 7 mm search for term
- 7 mm cartridge search for term
- 7 mm valve search for term
- 7 mm valve Normally-Closed Electronic search for term
- 7 mm valve Normally-Closed Electronic Cartridge search for term
- 7mm search for term
- 7mm cartridge search for term
- 7mm valve search for term
- 8 mm search for term
- 8mm search for term
- A-E search for term
- A.S.T.M. search for term
American Society For Testing and Materials. -- a society for developing standards for materials and test methods. - AACC search for term
- AARC search for term
- Absolute Pressure search for term
The total pressure measured from absolute zero ( i.e., from an absolute vacuum).
- Absolute Temperature search for term
The temperature of a body referred to the absolute zero, at which point the volume of an ideal gas theoretically becomes zero. (Fahrenheit scale is minus 459.67°F / Celsius scale is minus 273.15°C).
- Acrylic search for term
- Acrylic Manifold search for term
- Acrylic Subplate search for term
- actuactor push button keyed search for term
- Actuator search for term
Testing ... Clippard Term.
- actuator push button keyed search for term
- Adjustable Flow Controls search for term
- Adjustable Pressure Regulator search for term
- adjustable regulator search for term
- Adjustable_Flow_Control search for term
- Adsorption search for term
The accumulation of molecules of a gas to form a thin film on the surface of a solid.
- Aerocon search for term
- aerospace search for term
- Air Cylinders search for term
Stainless Steel Air Cylinders
Pneumatic cylinders feature polished I.D 304 stainless steel tubes for low friction. Available in 13 bore sizes with strokes to 40". Precision-rolled construction, clear anodized machined aluminum heads, and rods ensure long life and performance. Clippard—The Preferred Cylinder!
- Air Flow search for term
The motion of air relative to an orifice or series of orifi.
- air guitar search for term
- Air Jets search for term
- air logic search for term
- Air Nozzle search for term
A projecting aperture at the end of a tube, pipe etc. serving as an outlet for compressed air. Reduces the demand on the compressor by generating the highest thrust and volume for the lowest possible air consumption.
- Air Nozzles search for term
- air pilot search for term
- air pilot valve search for term
- Air Piloted search for term
- Air Receiver search for term
A receptacle which serves to store compressed air for heavy demands in excess of compressor capacity.
- air regulator search for term
- air to electric search for term
- Air Valves search for term
- air_needle_valve search for term
- AirBud search for term
- Airline search for term
- All Stainless search for term
- All Stainless Steel search for term
- All-Stainless search for term
- All_Stainless_Steel search for term
- Ambient search for term
Undisturbed environmental surroundings, particularly to air and temperature.
- ambient temperature search for term
- Amonton's Law search for term
States that the pressure of a gas, at constant volume, varies directly with the absolute temperature.
- Ampere (Amp) search for term
A unit of electrical current or rate of flow of electrons through a conductor. One volt across one ohm of resistance causes a current flow of one ampere. One ampere is equal to 6.25 x 1018 electrons per second passing a set point in a circuit.
- Anaheim search for term
- Analytica search for term
- Analytical search for term
- analytical scientific search for term
- analytical valve search for term
- application search for term
- application medical search for term
- April Fools search for term
- article search for term
- ASME search for term
- Atmosphere ( Atm ) search for term
The standard atmosphere is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury 760 mm high with a density of 13,595 g/cm³ at the standard acceleration due to gravity of 9.8 m/s². The 760th part of this pressure unit is the torr. The technical atmosphere (at) denotes the pressure of a force of 1 kg acting on an area of 1 cm².
- Atmospheric Pressure search for term
Weight of the earth's atmosphere over a unit area of the earth's surface, measured with a mercury barometer at sea level. which corresponds to the pressure required to lift a column of mercury 760 mm.
- ATX search for term
- ATX West search for term
- Automation search for term
The use of largely automatic equipment in a system of manufacturing or other production process.
- Avogadro's Law search for term
States that equal volumes of all gases under the same conditions of pressure and temperature contain the same number of molecules.
- award search for term
- Awesome search for term
- Back Pressure search for term
Resistance to air flow; usually stated in inches H2O or PSI.
- baking industry application search for term
- Bar search for term
A unit of pressure equal to 0.99 atmospheres or 14.233 psi.
- barb fitting search for term
- barb_connectors search for term
- barb_fitting search for term
- Barometric Pressure search for term
Absolute atmospheric pressure existing at any given point in the atmosphere. It is the weight of gas directly above the point of measurement. It changes with altitude, moisture and weather conditions.
- bidirectional search for term
- bidirectional valve search for term
- Billion search for term
The number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a million; 1,000,000,000 or 109.
- Bimba Cross Reference search for term
- Bimba Cylinder search for term
- Bimba to Clippard search for term
- Bimba to Clippard Interchange search for term
- BIMBA® Cylinder search for term
- BIMBA® to Clippard search for term
- bioreactor search for term
- blood valve search for term
- board search for term
- boat seats search for term
- Boyle's Law search for term
States that the volume of a gas, at constant temperature, varies inversely with the pressure.
- Brass Valves search for term
- breath valve search for term
- Breathing Air search for term
Compressed air treatment that meets OSHA Grade D breathing air requirements.
- brochure search for term
- bubble search for term
- BudPack search for term
- Bumper search for term
An internal compression stop. Generally a molded rubber part attached inside an air actuator.
- Buna N search for term
A synthetic rubber frequently used for vessel and liquid filter element gasket.
- Burst Pressure search for term
Maximum pressure a vessel, or air filter housing will withstand without bursting.
- Butterflies search for term
- CAD Files search for term
- Calendar search for term
- Cartridge search for term
- Cartridge Regulator search for term
- Cartridge Toggle Valve search for term
- cartridge valve search for term
- Case Study search for term
- catalog search for term
- cell culture search for term
- Celsius search for term
°C The international temperature scale where water freezes at 0 (degrees) and boils at 100 (degrees). Also known as the centigrade scale.
- CFC search for term
- Cfm search for term
ACRONYM - Cubic feet per minute. An airflow measurement of volume.
- Charle's Law search for term
States that the volume of a gas, at constant pressure, varies directly with the absolute temperature.
- chart search for term
- Check Valve search for term
A valve that permits flow in one direction only.
- Check Valves search for term
- chemical search for term
- Chicago search for term
- Chlorofluorocarbons (Cfcs) search for term
Compounds containing chlorine, fluorine or bromine, used as aerosol propellants, refrigerants, foaming agents and solvents and which, on decomposition by sunlight, produce oxides of chlorine responsible for the removal of ozone from the stratosphere.
- Choke search for term
This term is used for turbo compressors and represents the maximum flow condition. It is sometimes also referred to as stonewalling.
- Cincinnati search for term
- CINTI O search for term
- circuit search for term
- Clamping search for term
- clean manifold search for term
- Clean Room search for term
A facility or enclosure in which air content and other conditions (such as temperature, humidity, and pressure) are controlled and maintained at a specific level by special facilities and operating processes and by trained personnel.
- cleaning search for term
- Clippard search for term
- Clippard Bimba search for term
- Clippard Bimba Cross Reference search for term
- Clippard Bimba Interchange search for term
- Clippard BIMBA® search for term
- Clippard BIMBA® Cross Reference search for term
- Clippard BIMBA® Interchange search for term
- clippard clippard_catalog clippard_products clippard_literature search for term
- Clippard Cylinder search for term
- clippard cylinders search for term
- Clippard DV Valve search for term
- Clippard DV Valves Bidirectional pneumatic search for term
- clippard guitar search for term
- Clippard History search for term
- Clippard Logo search for term
- Clippard Manufacturing search for term
- Clippard Medical Application search for term
- Clippard Medical Valves search for term
- Clippard Norgren search for term
- Clippard Norgren Cross Reference search for term
- Clippard Norgren Interchange search for term
- Clippard Parker search for term
- Clippard Parker Cross Reference search for term
- Clippard Parker Interchange search for term
- Clippard Parker® search for term
- Clippard Parker® Cross Reference search for term
- Clippard Parker® Interchange search for term
- Clippard Pneumatics search for term
- Clippard SMC search for term
- Clippard SMC Cross Reference search for term
- Clippard SMC Interchange search for term
- Clippard Story search for term
- clippard valve search for term
- Clippard Valves search for term
- Coalescing Filter search for term
A filter unit that combines three principles to filter out oil aerosols: 1) Direct interception - A sieving action, 2) Inertial impaction - Collision with filter media fibers, 3) Diffusion -Particles travel in a spiral motion, presenting an effective frontal area thus capturing particles within the filter medium.
- Colerain search for term
- command search for term
- community search for term
- Compamed search for term
- compatibility search for term
- compatible search for term
- Compressed Air search for term
Air under pressure greater than that of the atmosphere.
- Compressibility search for term
A factor expressing the deviation of gas from the laws of hydraulics.
- Compression Ratio search for term
The ratio of the absolute discharge pressure to the absolute inlet pressure.
- Condenser search for term
A device that changes a vapor into a liquid. Accomplished by exposing a tube containing vapor to air or by passing the tube through a water jacket.
- Conduction search for term
The transfer of heat energy through a material (solid, liquid, or gas) by the motion of adjacent atoms and molecules without gross displacement of the particles.
- control muffler search for term
- Control Valve search for term
A valve that controls the flow in air lines.
- Control Valves search for term
- Control_Valves search for term
- Convection search for term
Is a means of transferring heat through mass flow. Also the transfer of heat within a fluid by movements within the fluid.
- conversion search for term
- Cord search for term
- Cordis search for term
- Cordis pressure search for term
- corporate video search for term
- corrosion-resistant search for term
- corrosive valve search for term
- COVID search for term
- CP1 search for term
- CPC search for term
- CPS search for term
- Cracking Pressure search for term
The pressure at which a check valve begins to pass air.
- Cross Reference search for term
- cs-4031 search for term
- cs-4032 search for term
- custom search for term
- Custom Solutions search for term
- cv search for term
- Cycle search for term
A single complete operation consisting of progressive phases starting and ending at the neutral position.
- cycle life search for term
- Cylinder search for term
- A solid geometric figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval section.
- A solid or hollow body, object, or part with such a shape.
- Cylinder Bimba search for term
- Cylinder Interchange search for term
- Cylinder Inventory search for term
- cylinder ship same day search for term
- Cylinders search for term
- cylinders 9/16 stainless steel search for term
- Cylinders In Stock search for term
- cytometry search for term
- Dalton's Law search for term
States that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the constituent gases. The partial pressure is the pressure each gas would exert if it alone occupied the volume of the mixture.
- Dean Kaman search for term
- Debbie Rahm search for term
- decay search for term
- defense search for term
- DeLorean search for term
- Delta P search for term
Describes the pressure drop through a component and is the difference in pressure between two points
- Delta T search for term
A term indicating a temperature relationship between two temperatures or temperature variation between two points
- dental search for term
- Desiccant search for term
A hygroscopic substance used as a drying agent.
- Design World search for term
- detection search for term
- Dew Point search for term
The atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form.
- Diagram search for term
A simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something; a schematic representation.
- dialysis search for term
- diaphragm regulator search for term
- Diffuse search for term
Spread or cause to spread over a wide area or among a large number of people.
- Diffuser search for term
A simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something; a schematic representation.
- Digital Mass Flow Controls search for term
- Direct Acting Valve search for term
- Directional Control Valves search for term
- directors search for term
- dispensing search for term
- Distribution search for term
- The action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.
- The way in which something is shared out among a group or spread over an area.
- distributor search for term
- Diverter search for term
- donut search for term
- donuts search for term
- dosing search for term
- doughnut search for term
- doughnuts search for term
- Downstream search for term
The portion of the flow stream which has already passed through the system or the portion of the system located after a specified point.
- dpv search for term
- DR-2 search for term
- DR2 search for term
- driver search for term
- driver board search for term
- DSP search for term
- DT-P search for term
- Durometer search for term
This term refers to the hardness or softness of gaskets.
- Duty Cycle search for term
Percentage of time a compressor unit can operate at full load over a thirty minute period.
- DV search for term
- DV Series search for term
- DV Valve search for term
- DV Valves search for term
- dv-p search for term
- DVP search for term
- E2 search for term
- E2S10 search for term
- E3 search for term
- EC search for term
- EC- search for term
- EC-P search for term
- eclipse search for term
- ECMO search for term
- efb search for term
- EFB Series search for term
- Efficiency search for term
Ability of a filter to remove particle matter from an air stream. Measured by comparing concentrate of material upstream and downstream of the filter. Typical particulate sizes range from .3 micron to 50 micron.
- EGV search for term
- EGV valve search for term
- EGV Valve instruction search for term
- EIV search for term
- Elbow Flow Controls search for term
- Electronic Fill and Bleed search for term
- Electronic Poppet Valves search for term
- electronic valve search for term
- electronic valves search for term
- Electronics West search for term
- EM search for term
- EPC search for term
- EPR search for term
- ES search for term
- ES valve search for term
- ES- search for term
- ET search for term
- ET- search for term
- ET-P search for term
- EV search for term
- ev valve search for term
- EV- search for term
- EV-P search for term
- Events search for term
- EVP search for term
- EVP Proportional Valve search for term
- EVPD search for term
- EW search for term
- EW Valve search for term
- EW-P search for term
- exhaust search for term
- exhaust valve search for term
- Expo Pack search for term
- FAQ search for term
- fbv search for term
- FBV-3 search for term
- FDA Compliant search for term
- FDA_Compliant search for term
- Fill & Bleed search for term
- Fill and Bleed search for term
- Fill and Bleed Circuit search for term
- fill bleed search for term
- Filter search for term
A device that removes solid contaminants, such as dirt or metal particles, from a liquid or gas (air is a gas), or that separates one liquid from another, or a liquid from a gas. The term filter describes the complete unit ... housing, filter element, internal by pass.
- Filtration search for term
The physical or mechanical process of separating insoluble particulate matter from a fluid, such as air or liquid, by passing the fluid through a filter medium that will not allow the particulate to pass through it.
- FIRST search for term
- FIRST Competition search for term
- fitting search for term
- Fittings search for term
- Fittings quick connect MJQC-PBB4 MJQC-PFB4 MJQC-B4B4 MJQC-MPB4 MJQC-B4MP search for term
- Fittings quick connect MJQC-PBB4 MJQC-PFB4 MJQC-B4B4 MJQC-MPB4 MJQC-B4MP MQC-2S MQC-3S MQC-V2 search for term
- Flange search for term
A projecting flat rim, collar, or rib on an object, serving to strengthen or attach or (on a wheel) to maintain position on a rail.
- Flow search for term
The action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream.
- Flow Control search for term
- Flow Control Valve search for term
A valve that controls the flow of air that passes through the valve. Used often for retardation or timing circuits, but especially for regulating the piston speed in cylinders.
- Flow control valves search for term
- flow controls search for term
- flow controls push quick search for term
- Flow Meter search for term
An instrument for measuring the amount of air flow of a device.
- Flow Rate search for term
- flow_controls search for term
- fluid_power_needle_valve search for term
- food grade tubing search for term
- Food Processing search for term
- food valve search for term
- foot pedal search for term
- foot pedal valve search for term
- foot valve search for term
- FPEF search for term
- Fragrance search for term
- Fragrance Delivery search for term
- FRC search for term
- Friction search for term
Surface resistance to relative motion, which slows down movement and causes heat.
- Frl search for term
Filter, Regulator and lubricator combined in one unit
- FTV search for term
- Fuel search for term
Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.
- fully port search for term
- Gas search for term
An airlike fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available, irrespective of its quantity.
- gas chromatograph search for term
- Gas Control search for term
- Gas Laws search for term
The behavior of perfect gases, or mixtures thereof, follows a set of laws. Boyle' law, Charle's law, Amonton's law, Dalton's law, Amagat's law, Avogadro's law, Poisson's law.
- Gas Mixing search for term
- Gauge search for term
An instrument for measuring, testing, or registering.
- GC search for term
- GCV search for term
- Ghostbusters search for term
- GNV search for term
- gorilla search for term
- GPM search for term
Gallons per Minute
- gradient search for term
- Great Vegas Cylinder Swap search for term
- GSV search for term
- GTV search for term
- guide search for term
- guitar search for term
- GV search for term
- Halloween search for term
- hand valve search for term
- Hannover search for term
- Hanover Fair search for term
- Header search for term
The main distribution supply manifold
- high flow valve search for term
- history search for term
- hit & hold search for term
- Horsepower search for term
Is a unit of work equal to 33,000 foot pounds per minute, 550 foot pounds per second, or 746 Watts.
- hose search for term
- How To search for term
- Howard Wolowitz search for term
- HTV search for term
- HV search for term
- Hydraulic Toggle search for term
- Hydrocarbons search for term
Chemicals containing carbon and hydrogen.
- hysteresis search for term
- IDS search for term
- In Stock search for term
- In-Line search for term
- in-line control search for term
- In-Line Manifold search for term
- Inch search for term
A unit of linear measure equal to one twelfth of a foot (2.54 cm): "the toy train is four inches long".
- Index & Fill search for term
- Index and Fill search for term
- Inert Gas search for term
Is one that does not enter into known chemical combination, either with itself or another element. There are four known gases of this type: helium; neon; argon and krypton. or a gas that does not supply any of the needs of combustion.
- Inlet search for term
A place or means of entry: "an air inlet".
- Installation search for term
The action or process of installing someone or something, or of being installed.
- instruction search for term
- instructions search for term
- Interchange search for term
- Interchange_Guide search for term
- Internet search for term
- interview search for term
- Intrinsically Safe search for term
- Intrinsically Safe ISO Circuit search for term
- Iso search for term
International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO Certification search for term
- Isolation search for term
- Isolation Valve search for term
- Isolation Valves search for term
- JEV search for term
- JFC search for term
- Joule search for term
A measurement. The international unit of energy. One joule is equal to one WATT - second or 0.737 foot pounds.
- JPC search for term
- JSLV search for term
- JSV search for term
- Kelvin (°K) search for term
An absolute temperature scale. The kelvin unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction 1/273,16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water. The triple point of water is the equilibrium temperature (0,01 °C or 273,16 K) between pure ice, air free water and water vapour.
- Kpa search for term
Kilopascal; a metric measure of pressure based on force per unit area. (1 kPa = 4.01 inches of water).
- lab valve search for term
- Laboratory Automation search for term
- Laboratory Tubing search for term
- Lastest search for term
- latching valve search for term
- Latest search for term
- Leak search for term
Accidentally lose or admit contents, esp. liquid or gas, through a hole or crack.
- leak rate search for term
- leak test search for term
- Leak Testing search for term
- legend plate search for term
- Leonard search for term
- lever hand manual search for term
- lever valve search for term
- Life Science Valves search for term
- Liquid Level Sensing search for term
- literature search for term
- Load search for term
Put a load or large amount of something on or in
- low leak search for term
- Lubrication search for term
A material (such as oil) used between moving parts of machinery to make the surfaces slippery and reduce friction.
- Lubricator search for term
An instrument designed to add lubrication into the compressed air line.
- lumbar application search for term
- lumbar support search for term
- lumbar support ride control systems application search for term
- Macy's search for term
- Made in USA search for term
- Manifold search for term
- Manifold Flow Controls search for term
- Manifold_Flow_Controls search for term
- Manual valve search for term
- Manufacturing Institute search for term
- MAR search for term
- MAR-1 search for term
- MAR-2 search for term
- MAS search for term
- Mass Flow Controllers search for term
- Mass Flow Controls search for term
- material search for term
- Mattel search for term
- MAV search for term
- MAVO search for term
- Maximatic search for term
- Maximum Operating Pressure search for term
The highest operating pressure the system or component is designed to withstand.
- mcv search for term
- MD&M search for term
- MD&M East search for term
- MD&M West search for term
- MDM search for term
- MDM East search for term
- Measurement search for term
The size, length, or amount of something, as established by measuring.
- Medica search for term
- medical search for term
- Medical Application search for term
- Medical Equipment Valves search for term
- Medical Tubing search for term
- medical valve search for term
- Medical Valves search for term
- medtech company search for term
- Mesh Size search for term
Mesh is the number of openings in a square inch of screen or sieve. It is equal to the square of the number of strands of metal or plastic screening per lineal inch. Standard US mesh screen # 16 equates to a 1.19 millimeter particle diameter, mesh size #40 is 0.42 millimeters.
- Metric Electronic Valves search for term
- MEV search for term
- mfc search for term
- Micro Blasting search for term
- Micro Valve search for term
- Microblasting search for term
- Micron search for term
Micrometer or one millionth of a meter; micron is sometimes represented in filtration by the Greek letter µ (mu). A micron is 0.000039". Contaminant particles are measured by micron size and count.
- Micron Rating search for term
A measurement applied to filters or filter media to indicate the particle size at which suspended solids above that size will be removed.
- Midi search for term
- Millibar search for term
A unit of atmospheric pressure equal to 1,000 dynes per sq. cm. or about 1/32 in. of mercury.
- Million search for term
The number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a thousand; 1,000,000 or 106
- miniature search for term
- miniature fitting search for term
- Miniature Pinch Valve search for term
- miniature pinch valves search for term
- miniature pnuematic valve search for term
- Miniature Regulator search for term
- miniature solenoid search for term
- miniature valve search for term
- miniature_connector search for term
- miniature_fitting search for term
- miniature_fittings search for term
- miniature_flow_control search for term
- miniature_needle_valve search for term
- miniature_pneumatic_connectors search for term
- miniature_shuttle search for term
- minimatic selector diverter cartridge search for term
- mixing search for term
- MJCV search for term
- MJQC- search for term
- MJQC-B4B4 search for term
- MJQC-B4MP search for term
- MJQC-MPB4 search for term
- MJQC-PBB4 search for term
- MJQC-PFB4 search for term
- MJSV search for term
- MJTV search for term
- MJV search for term
- MMA search for term
- MME search for term
- MME-3 search for term
- MME-4 search for term
- mml search for term
- MNV search for term
- MNV-_valve search for term
- Modular search for term
- Modular Check Valves search for term
- modular valves search for term
- Motion search for term
The action or process of moving or being moved.
- MPB search for term
- MPS-2 search for term
- MQC- search for term
- MQC-2S search for term
- MQC-3S search for term
- MQC-V2 search for term
- MSV search for term
- MTV search for term
- Mufflers search for term
- Mufflers Speed Control search for term
- Multi Check Valve search for term
- Munich search for term
- music search for term
- MWV-1 search for term
- needle valve search for term
- needle_control_valve search for term
- Negative search for term
- Negative Pressure search for term
A pressure below that of the existing atmospheric pressure taken as a zero reference.
- Neutrino Wand search for term
- Neutrona Wand search for term
- New search for term
- New Orleans search for term
- New Products search for term
- next generation search for term
- NFPA search for term
National Fluid Power Association
- NIV search for term
- NIV-G search for term
- NIVG search for term
- Norgren Cylinder search for term
- Northwest Local Schools search for term
- Nozzle search for term
A fixed orifice used in valve components or an airjet or fixed tube size used as a blow off.
MAC Orifice Fittings
In-Line Fixed Orifice Air ChokeMedium: AirMaterial: BrassWorking Range: 0 to 300 psig max.Part No. Description MAC-A Air Choke, 0.0135” Hole, Yellow Disk MAC-B Air Choke, 0.010” Hole, Green Disk MAC-C Air Choke, 0.0075” Hole, Blue Disk MAC-D Air Choke, 0.006” Hole, Red Disk Air Jet Nozzles: AJT-2N
Air Jets are used extensively within the manufacturing environment. They are designed to deliver a concentrated flow of air or liquid to a specific location.They are used in blowoff, cleaning, drying, part ejecting, and cooling applications. Clippard’s new air jet products provide a wide variety of nozzles, bases, and mounting hardware to accomplish these functions in a simple, cost-effective way. By selecting the appropriate orifice size, the nozzle can deliver anywhere from a large blast to a small pin-point stream of air, water, or oil. Nozzles can be easily aimed and locked into position for precise delivery of air or liquid. Interchangeable nozzle tubes add to air jet versatility as well. Clippard provides a complete line of valve control products that are ideally suited to support and enhance the performance of this product. - NPP search for term
- NPT search for term
- NPV search for term
- NPV Series search for term
- npv-p search for term
- NPV7 search for term
- NR search for term
- O-EC search for term
- O-ET search for term
- O-EV search for term
- O-EW search for term
- O2 Mixer search for term
- Ohio State search for term
- Olfactory search for term
- Open search for term
- Operating Pressure search for term
The gauge pressure at which a device is maintained in normal operation.
- Orifice search for term
An opening such as a hole or vent. An opening through which air can pass, or a restricted opening placed in a device to allow a fixed amount of air to pass at a given pressure.
- OSU search for term
- oxygen search for term
- oxygen clean search for term
- oxygen clean analytical medical search for term
- Oxygen Concentration search for term
- Oxygen Concentrator search for term
- oxygen manifold search for term
- Oxygen Mixing search for term
- oxygen valve search for term
- oxygen-enriched search for term
- Pacific Design & Manufacturing search for term
- Pack Expo search for term
- Packaging search for term
- Parade search for term
- Parker Cylinder search for term
- Parker® Cylinder search for term
- Pascal's Law search for term
- patent search for term
- PAV search for term
- PAVO search for term
- PB-22 search for term
- PB-30 search for term
- PEEK search for term
- penumatic clock search for term
- people search for term
- Permeability search for term
The state or quality of a material or membrane that causes it to allow liquids or gases to pass through it.
- Permeate search for term
Spread throughout (something); pervade.
- Pest Control search for term
- Pharma Expo search for term
- pharmaceutical search for term
- Pilot Operated search for term
- Pilot Sensor search for term
- Pilot-Operated search for term
- Pinch search for term
- Pinch Valve search for term
- pinch valves search for term
- Pittcon search for term
- PIV search for term
- Plastec West search for term
- Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing search for term
- Pneumatic search for term
Of, relating to, or using air. Moved by air pressure. Filled with compressed air.
- pneumatic cannon search for term
- pneumatic cylinders search for term
- pneumatic electric switch search for term
- pneumatic fitting search for term
- pneumatic flow control search for term
- Pneumatic Foam Application Wand search for term
- pneumatic guitar search for term
- pneumatic regulator search for term
- pneumatic shuttle valve search for term
- Pneumatic Solutions search for term
- Pneumatic Toggle search for term
- pneumatic valve search for term
- pneumatic valves search for term
- pneumatic-regulator regulator pressure-regulator cartridge-regulator 10-32-regulator search for term
- pneumatic-regulator regulator pressure-regulator cartridge-regulator 10-32-regulator MAR search for term
- pneumatic_connector search for term
- pneumatic_connectors search for term
- pneumatic_fitting search for term
- pneumatic_fittings search for term
- pneumatic_flow_control search for term
- pneumatic_needle search for term
- pneumatic_needle_valve search for term
- pneumatic_shuttle_valve search for term
- Pneumatics search for term
Of, relating to, or using air. Moved by air pressure. Filled with compressed air.
- pnuematic guitar search for term
- Polytetrafluorethylene search for term
- Poppet search for term
- Poppet Valve search for term
- Poppet Valves search for term
- Poultry Bagger search for term
- ppb search for term
Parts per Billion
- ppm search for term
Parts per Million
- PQ search for term
- pq fitting search for term
- PQ fittings search for term
- PQ flow search for term
- pq valves search for term
- PQ-C search for term
- PQ-CV04N search for term
- PQ-CV04P search for term
- PQ-CV05N search for term
- PQ-FV search for term
- PQ-FV04 search for term
- PQ-FV05 search for term
- PQ-FV06M search for term
- PQ-FV08 search for term
- PQ-FV08M search for term
- PQ-FV10 search for term
- PQ_fitting cil_fitting clippard_fitting push_quick push_quick_fitting push_to_connect search for term
- PQS search for term
- PR search for term
- precision flow search for term
- precision regulator search for term
- Press search for term
- Press Release search for term
- Pressure search for term
Force per unit area, usually expressed in pounds per square inch (PSI) or BAR.
- pressure control search for term
- pressure decay search for term
- Pressure Drop search for term
The difference in pressure upstream and downstream of a given point in which to measure.
- Pressure Gauge search for term
A device that indicates pressure differential above or below atmospheric pressure.
- Pressure Inlet search for term
- Pressure Range search for term
Difference between minimum and maximum working pressures for a device.
- Pressure Regulator search for term
- product launch search for term
- Proportional search for term
- proportional control search for term
- Proportional SCPV search for term
- proportional valve search for term
- propotional search for term
- Proton Pack search for term
- Psi search for term
Pounds per square inch.
- Psia search for term
Pounds per square inch, absolute.
- Psid search for term
Pounds per square inch, differential.
- Psig search for term
Pounds per square inch, gauge. Pressure indicated by a pressure gauge.
- PTFE search for term
- Push Button search for term
- push coupler search for term
- push fitting search for term
- Push Pull search for term
- Push Pull Valve search for term
- push quick search for term
- push quick fitting search for term
- Push to Connect search for term
- Push-Quick search for term
- push-quick fittings search for term
- push_fittings search for term
- push_to_connect search for term
- pushbutton search for term
- pv8 search for term
- PWO search for term
- Quality Expo search for term
- question search for term
- questions search for term
- Quick Connect search for term
- Quick Coupler search for term
A coupling device which consists of a spring loaded shutoff valve and a positive locking mechanism. It is used to connect devises, tubing or hose, and other accessories. Also known as Quick Disconnect.
- R-701 search for term
- Rankine (°R) search for term
An absolute temperature scale. (°F + 459,67)
- Receivers search for term
Tanks used for the storage of compressed air.
- Regulate search for term
Control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it operates properly.
- Regulator search for term
A device designed to control pressure.
- release search for term
- resolution search for term
- Respiratory search for term
- ride control search for term
- ride control systems search for term
- Robotics search for term
- robots search for term
- Rotary search for term
- rotary manual valve search for term
- Rotary Valve search for term
- RPS-S3 search for term
- Same Day search for term
- Same Day Cylinders search for term
- Same-Day search for term
- Same-Day Shipping search for term
- SAS search for term
- Saturation search for term
- The state or process that occurs when no more of something can be absorbed, combined with, or added.
- The degree or extent to which something is dissolved or absorbed compared with the maximum possible, usually expressed as a percentage.
- Scary Door search for term
- Scent search for term
- Scent Delivery search for term
- ScentAir search for term
- SCPV search for term
- SCPV Cartridge search for term
- SCPV Manifold search for term
- SCPV Proportional Valve Stepper search for term
- scpv valve search for term
- SCPVD search for term
- SDS search for term
- Seals search for term
A device or substance that is used to join two things together so as to prevent them from coming apart or to prevent anything from...: "worn valve seals"
- Security search for term
- Security Application search for term
- Selector search for term
- Selector Diverter Cartridge search for term
- sequence search for term
- Shuttle search for term
- Shuttle Valve search for term
- Shuttle Valves search for term
- Shuttle_Valves search for term
- Silicone Tubing search for term
- Single Acting search for term
- SLAS search for term
- sleeve pneumatic valve search for term
- sleeve valve search for term
- slip-on search for term
- small_needle_valve search for term
- SMC Cylinder search for term
- soft start search for term
- solenoid pinch valve search for term
- solenoid valve search for term
- Sonic Flow search for term
The point (speed of sound) at which air flow through an orifice can not increase regardless of pressure drop.
- Specific Gravity search for term
This property is the ratio of the specific weight of air or gas to that of dry air at the same pressure and temperature.
- specification search for term
- speed muffler search for term
- spider search for term
- Spider Valve search for term
- Spool search for term
- Stainless search for term
- stainless cylinders search for term
- stainless fitting search for term
- Stainless Steel search for term
- Stainless Steel Cylinders search for term
- Stainless_Steel_Cylinders Cylinder_Interchange Cylinder_Bimba search for term
- Standard Pressure search for term
Air at a temperature of 68 °F, a pressure of 14.70 psia and a relative humidity of 36 per cent.
- static search for term
- stats search for term
- Stem search for term
- stem poppet cartridge control valve search for term
- Stem Valves search for term
- STEP Ahead search for term
- STEP Award search for term
- stepper motor search for term
- stepper valve search for term
- Stepper-Controlled search for term
- story search for term
- sub miniature valve search for term
- subminiature valve search for term
- subplate search for term
- switch search for term
- Tags: Clippard Cylinder search for term
- Tech Tip search for term
- Temperature search for term
- tester search for term
- testing search for term
- Thanksgiving search for term
- The Big Bang Theory search for term
- Thermal Mass search for term
Material that stores energy, although mass will also retain coolness. The thermal storage capacity of a material is a measure of the material's ability to absorb and store heat.
- Thermodynamics First Law Of search for term
The amount of work done on or by a system is equal to the amount of energy transferred to or from the system.
- Thermodynamics Second Law Of search for term
Heat cannot, of itself, pass from a colder to a hotter body.
- THNTD search for term
- THNTD circuit search for term
- Thread search for term
- tiny valve search for term
- Toggle search for term
- toggle stem valve search for term
- toggle stem valve minimatic selector diverter cartridge search for term
- toggle valve search for term
- Toggle Valves search for term
- Torr search for term
A unit of pressure used with vacuum pumps, equal to 1mm of mercury and 133.32 Pascal's.
- Trade Show search for term
- Trade Show Schedule search for term
- Trade Shows search for term
- Traffic Cone search for term
- Traffic Cone Dispenser search for term
- Trap search for term
- tree search for term
- tube valve search for term
- tubing search for term
- TV search for term
- TV-4D search for term
- Two Hand No Tie Down search for term
- UBM search for term
- UDR-32 search for term
- USA search for term
- VA-06 search for term
- vacuum search for term
- Value Add search for term
- Value Added search for term
- Value Added Assembly search for term
- Value-Added search for term
- Valve search for term
- valve article search for term
- Valve components search for term
- valve driver search for term
- valve life search for term
- Valves search for term
- Vegas search for term
- ventilator valve search for term
- Venturi search for term
A tube with a narrow throat (a constriction) that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of the liquid passing through it, creating a partial vacuum immediately after the constriction in the tube. The vacuum created has a sucking effect, and a venturi is commonly used to introduce a liquid (such as a regenerant) or gas (such as air) into a flowing water stream.
- vice president search for term
- Video search for term
- Viscosity search for term
Is a measure of resistance to deformation, or reluctance to be squeezed out a bearing. Indicates the internal friction of a fluid. Viscosity in normal lubricants is reduced as temperature increases
- Volume search for term
- Washdown search for term
- Water drawback valve search for term
- Website search for term
- WestPcak search for term
- wetted material search for term
- What's New search for term
- Whisker Valve search for term
- White Paper search for term
- World's greatest search for term
- wound therapy search for term
- wound therapy pneumatic application medical search for term
- WTWH search for term
- yogurt cannon search for term
- zero dead fitting search for term