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  1. Orifice Size Calculator

    Calculate the Orifice Size of Your Valve //--> */ ...

  2. What You Need to Know About CV

    ... terms engineers might encounter include CV, C, effective orifice size, and normal liters per minute, as well as actual flow rates at ... sized components. The Benefits of Using Effective Orifice to Measure of Flow The effective orifice size of a valve is ...

  3. Clippard EVP Proportional Valves Selection Tips

    ... focus on these three:  Control Signal , Valve Orifice and Operating Pressure . If you can't find the ...   Valve Orifice: Our Standard Orifice Offering: ...

  4. Technical Data Sheets

    ... Fittings & Tubing New!    Precision Jeweled Orifice Fittings              Push-Quick Fittings ...

  5. Stability vs. Fill-Time in Proportional Control Applications

    ... following scenario is in play. How PID Settings and Orifice Size Affect Stability in Proportional Control When discussing ... settings, and the internal valves should employ the optimal orifice size to prevent the closed-loop electronic pressure control device from ...

  6. Pneumatic Glossary of Terms

    ... constant at all points along the streamline. Bleed Orifice.   Used in indirect or semi-direct acting solenoid valves, a bleed orifice is installed on the diaphragm enabling the valve to use the line ...

  7. Design World Reviews Clippard's EVP Proportional Control Electronic Valves

    ... an EVP-10-6025 with me. The 1350 has a 0.013-in. diameter orifice and a maximum pressure of 50 psig, while the 6025 has a 0.060-in. diameter orifice and a maximum pressure of 25 psig. These pneumatic valves feature ...

  8. The Importance of a Soft Start for Critical Applications Requiring High Precision

    ... limit in-rush flow in your application, the valve's working orifice needs to be variable in its free area. A typical control valve, such as a poppet or spool valve, has a fixed orifice and therefore, lift on the seal face is working across the entire ...

  9. Comparing Poppet Valves vs. Spool Valves

    ... are the poppet and the spool. A poppet valve consists of an orifice that is opened and closed by raising and lowering a sealing surface onto the orifice. It usually has an internal spring that holds the valve in the closed ...

  10. A Comparison of Mechanical Regulators vs. Electronic Regulators

    ... you desire. This is set by the diaphragm and internal orifice sizes. A mechanical regulator’s performance is fixed based on it’s ... you desire. This is set by the diaphragm and internal orifice sizes. A mechanical regulator’s performance is fixed based on it’s ...
