Pulse Valves

The PV Pulse Valve is a normally-open, 3-way valve that closes shostly after being pressuized and remains closed until supply pressure is exhausted and re-pressurized. Widely used in control circuits.

R-711 is a normally-open, 3-way self-piloted valve that closes shortly after being pressurized and remains closed until signal pressure is exhausted. It converts a continuous input signal into a single pulse of approximately 50 ms.

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Part No.
Product Description 1-5 of 5
M-PV-1 Pulse Valve, 1/8" Inlet
M-PV-1P Pulse Valve, G1/8 & M5 Ports
PV-1 Pulse Valve, #10-32 Ports
PV-1P Pulse Valve, 1/8" & #10-32 Ports
R-711 Pulse Valve