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Clippard Pool Maintenance 101


When Bill Clippard leaves for the office, the last thing he wants to worry about is whether his swimming pool is clean and operating correctly! That’s why he uses Clippard valves and fittings to manage the pool’s filtering system, as well as various other water features in his back yard. Plus, the use of pneumatics eliminates the potential for electric shock.

Water + Timing = Phenomenal Graphical Waterfalls


Computer-generated graphics are created and defined by water droplets and the absence of droplets through a system designed by a Wisconsin-based firm. Droplets fall so precisely with the help of Clippard’s EV valves that creates vivid graphic images and text. Logos, promotional copy, multiple dancing ribbons, flipping squares, fish—all completely created through water and lighting. Displays range from 11-50’ high and use a closed water system so that water is not wasted. The smallest holds 50 gallons and the largest about 500 gallons of water.

Simplified Pneumatic Symbols


The components needed to manufacture and construct pneumatic logic control circuits are readily available, reliable and have been proven in countless applications. The symbols needed to design a pneumatic circuit are few, yet until now no practical rapid symbology for the control designer existed.

Pad Printing


Pad printing systems are self-inking presses designed to print on objects with irregular shapes. Clippard’s pneumatic circuitry assists in the process with Modular Valves, Subplates and Push Buttons. Set up takes less than 60 seconds for the next run of any size product. Capable of running up to four colors.

Bug Off!


If you build a home in areas with tropical climates such as Florida, Louisiana and Texas, chances are you’ll be shopping for a pest defense system along with carpeting, paint and cabinetry! Clippard’s client offers a patented system designed with a network of small, perforated plastic tubing installed in designated walls which links to service ports on the exterior of the home. Through these ports, technicians periodically inject pest control materials into the tubes, distributing them within the wall voids, thereby targeting the pests right where they live.

Portable Gas Analyzers


Many manufacturers of portable and fixed gas analyzers utilize Clippard Minimatic valves and fittings. The reliable EV series valves are ideal for flow control as well as the purging of the system between samples.

Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Equipment


Kinetic Muscles, Inc. has developed an exercise therapy device to be used mostly by stroke patients to retrain the brain to regain motion in the limbs. The Hand Mentor encourages a patient to extend their wrist and fingers as much as possible on their own. When maximum self-extension is achieved, the Mentor will engage a pneumatic actuator which then assists with the movement to full extension. Cycle rates, length of motion and force of operation can be programmed into the unit. Kinetic Muscles utilizes Clippard ES electronic valves on a special manifold in the Mentor.

Clippard Needle Valves Keep Plants & Vegetables Moist


Needle valves are ideal for providing a fine mist for grocery store and greenhouse applications.

Limb Positioning Equipment Assists Surgeons


During elbow, hand and shoulder procedures, surgeons often require the patient’s arm to remain raised and precisely positioned. New pneumatically-powered articulating equipment can support and provide traction for the heaviest limbs, thereby eliminating the need for an additional surgical aide during the procedure. Positioning is instantaneously controlled by the surgeon by use of a foot pedal. Clippard’s product provide the force in an intensifier circuit that unlocks the mechanical mechanisms for this innovative medical engineering company.

Charles's Law


Charles's law states:  If the pressure is constant, the volume of a mass of gas is proportional to the absolute temperature. The absolute temperature is always 273 Kelvin more than the centigrade temperature.

A useful expression of this physics law is:
